Man is either in certain conditions or uncertain conditions throughout his life. Certain conditions are those in which man’s heart is satisfied and his soul is calm. He puts his trust in Allah. He is not controlled by circumstances or not He falls into temptation. He thinks that Allah was my master yesterday, today and tomorrow. While in uncertainty man is hit by circumstances. His reliance and confidence in Allah is depleted. He is complete in the clutches of greed Torch is hooked and that’s why he does full “diamonding” whenever and wherever he gets the chance. He’s in the thought of not knowing if he will get the chance tomorrow? She be like “what will it be tomorrow?” “Thoughts suffers. And the man that is born into this thought will think only of “today” and certainly his character will be shaken. The state of poverty, blows away the character of man while in certain condition man faith He is loyal. The whole world testifies to his trust and honesty.
A prominent position in the world is given to those who are strong and trustworthy. Today, where many other virtues have disappeared from our society, there is no honesty. We take pleasure in losing our own people. A friend of ours out They took a whole group to a country for a visit. A group member lost his mobile in the hotel. They complained to the hotel management. They said no matter what, if it is lost here, they will surely find it. They told their staff Called and asked about mobile. Everyone expressed ignorance, then manager asked if there was any report about any mobile. The staff said no such report came. They asked Pakistani group the time when the mobile was lost, according to him. He saw his record, and then checked the cameras, when the shameful reality revealed, he made all the group members bow down in shame. The record showed that one of his own group members turned out to be involved in this. He took the opportunity of his partner. I had put my mobile in my pocket. When this is the condition of our character as Muslims, then what good should we expect from the sky?
As Muslims, we recite the greatness of Allah five times. The benefit of worship five times is that man forgets very quickly. Therefore, he is reminded repeatedly so that he does not forget, that he is only the creature and the sustainer is the Lord above. . But this five time worship will also be fruitful only when it is with the original spirit and the original spirit and brain of worship is “action”. Worship without action is no use. This is our social problem, we come from Umrah and return car Let us grab each other’s collars. We have become so morally weak that once while travelling on a Saudi Airlines return from Umrah, I saw people putting small airline blankets in their bags. I When prohibited, they started quarreling with me that we have taken the ticket, everything is legitimate for us. This is the condition of their legitimate and illegal and when they come out of the airport, people wear garlands of flowers on them that Haji Sahib. We have come after performing Umrah. The point of attention is that the one who calls himself Haji Sahib with great pride in the society is he a Haji Sahib from inside or not? If such Hajj, Umrah and worship does not bring change in human behavior and practice, then understand that it is devoid of real soul.
If a man knows that what he is doing is wrong, yet he blames his mistake, it is a sign of hypocrisy. Allah sets limits on man when he makes mistakes despite knowledge. “The History of the Angel” written 524 years ago from today. Muhammad Qasim Farishta says, “The most found character in the subcontinent is that character that only shows virtue, not in reality.” These people move the ox all over the area before sacrifice so that people know that this time the ox is being sacrificed. Yes, these people make a shelf of everything and decorate the virtues in it, which we can also call artificial morality, which is not done by the heart, it is only on the mouth. As you have often heard, my brother, my friend, my son, while In fact, these words are completely devoid of sincerity. It has become a ritual, compulsion and a theory of “what will people say”. While it is necessary for morality that you feel it sincerely and speak with all sincerity.
A girl came up to me and said, “Pray for me.” I said, “Give me ten minutes.” She thought maybe I’ll spread the masala and pray. I bowed my head and said, “Kurly.” She said, “You have ten minutes. Up to what ? “I said “”I wonder what I’d pray for if you were in my daughter’s shoes, until I thought about it, I couldn’t pray.”” Until you come to the address and think, they don’t realize, you solve the problem.” Can’t. Without emotion, you can’t lead, sympathize and pray.
Whenever you have faith in your Lord, you will be assured and this satisfaction will make you a true believer of Lakhoof Aliham Walham Yahznon. You will be free from all kinds of thoughts and sorrows in the world. Then you will give your rights to others. With the thought that Allah will give more. Whenever you believe in your Lord, you will never work against morals and character. The person who believes that Allah gives so much honestly that a man cannot collect. If you can, you are not stupid to be dishonest. Honesty brings countless blessings to a person, but the condition is that the person is conscious, not at the level of animals, because after falling to this level, the person is not conscious and when If there is no consciousness, then the blessings of the Lord cannot be seen.
“Uncertainty” situation makes a man perform a thousand prostrations to please him, to do that and to do that. However, if revelation is placed above intellect, then “one prostration” saves you from a thousand prostrate. To please God Actually, if you please God, then it becomes easy to please everyone. But if you please “everyone” and do not please “God”, then it is a loss. We see that wealth and wealth, despite the power of power of office. A man’s calamity comes. The reason is that “God” is not happy. If God gives, he is happy or not, he is happy. This is faith.
There is also a negative aspect of an inferior mindset that a man cannot enjoy life. He feels that when he had a motorcycle, there was happiness and contentment, now he has three four vehicles but uncertain condition in his heart. He has peace despite the blessings of the world. No. He will continue to cry even after eating the most delicious meals in the world’s expensive hotels. Because he never counted the favors of Allah on him. He has not seen the grace of the past, so he cannot see the grace in the future either. Not him. He knows that his father, grandfather and great-grandfather was also blessed by the same Allah and today He is the Lord of all mankind and the Lord of all humanity till the next doomsday. It is very important to recognize your Lord. This recognition will only be realized when it is His existence. Belief, what if one does not recognize his Lord in this world, he cannot answer “Man Rabbik” in the grave only on the bill of his memory.
Consciously seeking God in your life is to have faith in His sovereignty, faith. You look back in your life and see how much God has blessed you. There are many incidents that make you wonder that this man is in my life. How did it come? Where did his heart find mercy for me? Why does this man respect me? Why do people have good assumptions about me? Whereas I am full of sins! Who has covered up my sins? While the fact is that if a man’s children get to know about his intentions, they won’t even attend his funeral. It is His mercy that He has covered your sins and given you respect in the eyes of others. That’s why Hazrat Ali (AS) said that “One of the greatest names of Allah is Sattar Al-Ayub.”
Whenever a man is in uncertainty, he will be in wickedness and greed. In greed, man only looks at the same day. He does not go to the present time. The future can be looked at for the same reason, that when you look back, you can see me in the past. If Allah has blessed us with blessings, then it will be in the future. How is it possible that there is mercy in the past but not in front? Because Allah is the Most Merciful and Merciful. He is the forgiver of sins and the rain of blessings. If you do not seek Him, it is you. The proof of His mercy and benevolence is that He says in the Qur’an: “Do not despair of My mercy.” (Surah Al-Zamar 53)
If a man trusts in His mercy and His grace, then he will not fall into temptation or suffer from poverty.
Most of the countries in the world are where man is in complete state of security, satisfaction and peace. He is happy and satisfied and also believes that no one can take away his right. Whereas we have no signs of “sure condition”. Whereas preaches the whole world here. More than that. Here forty-eight lakh children are being educated in madrassas. Here five prayers and Friday and Eid sermons are being conducted. Here Urs, Eid Milad and all kinds of religious rituals are being performed with full force but! Despite all this, we are in a state of “uncertainty”. Why is that? This is a moment of concern for all of us that desperately need to think about!!