Of course slowly but steadily increasing”. After all, start walking from somewhere, only then you will get success one day. Choose your destination before continuously walking towards your destination. What do you want to achieve and why? It is very important to know this only then you will get motivation.
Believe in yourself that you are capable. You have the skills and knowledge that can give you success. Make a right plan for yourself, maintain a good relationship with those friends who are helping you in this plan.
Test your will power and then focus on your plan. First of all, it is important to drive away the fear of your mind. He who is afraid cannot do anything
There are so many people who are waiting for a big “break”. A favorite job or business opportunity can be a big break for them. But such people remain disappointed. Efforts have to be made to get the break, it is not found suddenly.
But we can get our big break when we make a plan for it and keep growing on its path.
Now there will be some people who would have got this opportunity with their strong desire and special plan but could not succeed. Why so ? Because he gave up easily.
Once he failed, he gave up and abandoned the plan. But this defeat was temporary, they forgot that. There is only one answer to defeat and that is to keep moving forward. “Sometimes it seems that some hidden guide puts too many obstacles in our way just to test us.” Our defeat is just one way to test our will power.
When you make a habit of moving forward without stopping, then defeat will never become a hindrance in your path. Then whatever you have thought of, you will continue to fulfill it.
There is a saying that “Knowledge is power”, but one cannot become rich on its own. Knowledge becomes power only when it is used to achieve one’s goal. Mastermind is a group of people who can increase your knowledge so that it can become your power. The desire and purpose of these people is the same as yours.
Let’s understand this thing with electric battery. A single battery will give only a little energy, but when we have more than one battery, we will continue to get their energy for a long time. Similarly, when you have a master mind group, your strength increases manifold and with their help you can overcome your weaknesses too.
Before forming his corporation, Henry Ford was also a poor, illiterate and ignorant person. But he ran his business with fifty such trusted people who were his master mind. He also had a friendship with Thomas Edison. Ford maintained a very friendly and cooperative relationship with these trusted and great friends. Due to this capable master mind group, Henry Ford was able to eradicate his poverty and become such a successful businessman. It took him only ten years to become educated and intelligent.
And after 25 years he had become the richest man in his country.
There are many economic advantages of joining a master mind group, but it is also beneficial mentally. “Whenever two mind forces join together, a new unseen force is created which together produces the same force as three minds.” It is obvious that when there are so many minds in a group, they are the power of a single mind. Will make it bigger.
Overall, two minds can think better than one alone. If there is a good working relationship between the people of the group, then together they can achieve more than any individual. Together they can do wonders because their strength is many times greater than that of a single person.
Transmutation is when energy changes from one form to another. Sex is the most powerful stimulus of a human being. Sex transmute means that we can use our sex energy in many more productive work because it has a lot of power.
Sex energy can be used best for creativity and business. Sex is a natural thing. It is included in the necessities of human beings, you cannot turn away from it. If it is not controlled, it becomes a destructive weapon. But if it is used as a will power, a lot can be achieved from it.
All the successful musicians, lawyers, artists and businessmen, they used this body’s hunger in their creativity and became great. There are many ways to stimulate the mind such as alcohol, drugs or fear of your mind. But out of all this, sex is the strongest. The person who is unable to control it, often lives in crime, poverty and misery. Whoever used this power properly has always been blessed and he emerges as a genius.
A genius person is like a pilot of a plane. He goes over the mountains and the trees, he starts flying high. Sex and food are like high hills and trees in our life. A genius transcends these obstructions and sets himself free.
Now he can make better use of his creative imagination and open the avenues of progress for himself. Our creative imagination is like the Sixth Sense. The more we use it, the better it will get. With the practice of creative imagination, successful people become more intelligent and productive.
Studies have proved that successful people have strong sex energy. But they apply this energy where they need their creative outlet.
In all the songs, poems or novels, there is only mention of love and sex. The charisma and confidence within you is reflected in your sex appeal, you will see any artist or businessman and you will understand yourself. Use this potential within you for your creative imagination. To take out your sexual energy, find some such way which is creative and not thinking of it as the hunger of the body and keep calming it.
You can’t even imagine how much power your mind has. There is no end to it, so use it to make yourself great. And also with the advantage of your sexual energy, take your career to new heights and become rich.
We all know that we have no control over the subconscious mind. But this is the part which controls all our desires, emotions and decision making power. All we have to do is that we always keep our mind full of positive thoughts.
Gradually, these positive thoughts will keep on sitting in our subconscious mind. This is a way which will gradually lead us towards success. To improve your sub-conscience, instill in your mind thoughts full of faith, love, success, passion, romance and hope.
Never keep thoughts like unnecessary fear, hatred, jealousy and revenge or greed and superstition in your mind. Try that these negative thoughts do not come in your mind. Thinking negative can never make you successful nor can you become rich. This will further sink you into the quagmire of poverty.
Right now you have a personal plan of your own, in which you can get success on your own. You know how you can become rich, although that plan is still stuck in your subconscious mind, to reach it you must first get rid of your negative thoughts.
First try to bring positive thoughts in your mind so that you can understand it better. Start every day with small things. Make love, sex, hope, romance, passion and happiness your habit and get rid of greed, fear, anger, jealousy and revenge.
The human brain is the most powerful machine in the world. It can be used as both a sending and receiving device. The power of our thoughts has a big hand in our success. You can start your journey by thinking about the thirteen steps that have been discussed here. From your desire to your imagination and your persistence, you can plan everything in your mind.
Do you know that ten to fourteen billion nerve cells are found in the cerebral cortex of our brain? What’s even more interesting is that all these cells are arranged to order in a special way. This method of arrangement of nerve cells enables us humans to work physically and mentally. Our brain is also responsible for our emotional and mental state.
It is absolutely true that we can really become rich only with the power of thinking. By filling positive thoughts in our mind, we can find good opportunities for ourselves, we can fulfill our dreams by bringing our passion into reality. We have that power that we can take quick decisions and try again if we lose. And we can also use our sexual energy to enhance our creativity. And all this can happen only inside this little mind of ours.
If you practice motivating yourself daily, then both your knowledge and potential can increase. And this is what you need to be successful. You can achieve a lot by using the power of your mind as well as the rest of the mind. Mental telepathy is possible if you work closely with your master mind group on it. For this, discuss among themselves so that you can share your thoughts with others and think like a single brain. Use the power of your brain, always keep motivating it with new ideas.
Whatever you learned from this summary, try to apply it in reality and make it a habit. If you want, you can go to any chapter and repeat those things again.
Repeat those statements in your mind that will make you money-conscious. You are not far away from your financial success.
Sixth sense is the last step of these thirteen steps to become rich and successful. You can’t reach this sixth session until you’ve mastered the rest of the twelve steps. This sixth sense is a part of our sub-conscious mind that handles our creative imagination. This is what connects us to the infinite intelligence of the world.
Sometimes we see thoughts as flashes in our minds called hunches. This happens when our sixth sense is working. But not everyone can feel it. We can achieve this only by meditating very deeply. All the great people like Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln and Mohammed etc., they became great only by using their Sixth Cess. From these hunches (“hunches”), he kept getting the motivation to do some big work. This sixth sense connects both our mental and spiritual states. It acts like a medium that connects our mind with this infinite universe.
Our sixth sense not only gives us creative ideas but also sometimes indicates the dangers that may come.
Infinite Intelligence is the power that is in the particle of everything in the world. Inside it the energy of the whole universe is contained. This is the power by which water always flows downwards. After night comes day, and after winter comes summer. Because of this everything in the universe is related to each other in some way or the other.
We can also connect ourselves with Infinite Intelligence by practicing our Sixth Sense. As all geniuses do, we can also make our dreams a material form. Because we humans have dreams, desires, which keep our minds dominating. We can choose our victory or defeat ourselves and achieve success with the power of our thinking.
The road to success starts with our dreams. As you progress through these thirteen steps, you will gain wisdom. Knowing yourself and others is very important for your success. In the end only a successful man can understand this law of nature and way of happiness. We again say that you can go through these thirteen steps and repeat them whenever you want so that you can achieve higher levels of mind stimulation.
Now you have Thirteen Steps to Riches, in the last chapter of which you will learn how to remove fear from your mind. Because until you do not remove it, it will keep you bound in a limit. And without living this fear, you cannot step on the path of prosperity.
How to drive away the six ghosts of fear from your mind
(How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear)
There are some hidden enemies that do not allow us to become rich. And that enemy is confusion, doubt, worry and negative thoughts. If even one of these thoughts is in your mind, then the rest come on their own. They will keep troubling you until you fight them and remove them.
Sometimes yes, sometimes no and due to lack of confidence in ourselves, a strange fear arises in us. Here we are telling you the names of six such basic fears, fear of poverty, fear of criticism, fear of ill health, fear of losing love, fear of old age and fear of death. Each of these fears reduces our ability. It starts binding him to a limit. But in reality all these fears are just a product of our mind and nothing else. It simply means that this fear can be overcome.
One thing that we have complete control over and that is our thoughts. “As soon as a thought comes to our mind, it can be physical at the same time” This is its biggest power. The thoughts that are swirling in your mind become your social, professional and financial destiny.
When you constantly think about illness, you really start falling ill. This is an accepted thing. That is why it is said that we should strengthen our will power. Some people seem more fortunate and superior than others. This is because of their thinking. They consider themselves lucky and better, then others also see them in the same way. We become what we think. When someone criticizes you, don’t take it to heart. Don’t let your will power be weakened by the critics. Don’t listen at all to relatives who tell you “you can’t do this”. Paying attention to the critics will not only ruin your imagination, it will also lower your confidence and your individual ability will not emerge.
So close your ears so that you can’t hear them.
“Shut all the doors of your mind to those people who depress or discourage you in every way”
Keep yourself away from all worries. Never think what people will think. Accept the reality of old age and death because it will come one day to all. If you are afraid of losing love then learn to love yourself. “There is nothing in life that you should worry about”
Choose peace of mind and happiness for yourself.
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